Knowledge vs. Facts: Waste

Ann Stouffer Bisconti, PhD

Bisconti Research, Inc.

April - May 2024

One of the barriers to effective communications about nuclear waste (used nuclear fuel) is that most of the public cannot visualize what is being discussed. In 2024, only 26 percent imagined it as something solid and only 32 percent as something small and safely contained.

Respondents found information about waste both surprising and important. One fact described the waste and how it is safely contained. Another explained that the technology exists to recycle nuclear waste for beneficial uses.

These findings are from questions asked in the 2024 National Nuclear Energy Public Opinion Survey. The new national survey was conducted from April 30 to May 2, 2024 by Bisconti Research, Inc., using a nationally representative sample of 1,000 people drawn from the Quest Mindshare Online Panel of 3.5 million people in the U.S. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.


When you hear the words, nuclear waste, what comes to mind? (%)

Correct answer is something solid

When you hear the words, nuclear waste, what else comes to mind? (%)

Correct answer: something small and safely contained


Here are some facts about nuclear energy.

  • Please rate each fact on how much it is new and surprising to you.

  • Please rate each fact on its importance.


Nuclear waste (used nuclear fuel) is in a form that is small, solid, and compact.  It is safely contained in multiple layers of strong shielding. (%)

Nuclear waste does not have to be wasted: the technology exists to recycle used nuclear fuel for electricity and other beneficial uses. (%)

© Ann Stouffer Bisconti, 2024.


Knowledge vs. Facts: Reliability and Efficiency


National Nuclear Energy Public Opinion Survey 2024: Questionnaire